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Chicken Feed may be surprising.

Ok I was just reading some articles on chicken feed debating the differences that should exist in hotter and colder climates , differences in regions and what may be needed more in chickens diet based on that. I mean you can't tell me there aren't differences there absolutely are .

So in this plethora of information from these feed manufacturers do you know what their number one recommendation is ? Supplement your feed in all cases. Which tells me there are just too many factors to mass produce one feed for the masses in every region and every climate. So I thought after reading through all the double talk in this " literature " I'd pass along some suggestions and make it very clear pre-manufactured chicken feed is NOT enough . So here's a few suggestions.

  1. Free range your chickens. The extra nutrition they will find on their own is invaluable.

  2. Go to farmers markets near closing and see what's getting ready to be thrown out

  3. Check with grocery stores, restaurants and shops . You may get lucky 🍀.

  4. Try growing fodder . It's reasonably easy although you would have to work out a rotational schedule. But it would supplement.

  5. Try fermenting their feed . It can add valuable nutrients and bacteria that's not only feed but has natural medicinal value.

  6. Make your own feed. This is a bit much but believe it or not most commercial feed is mostly filler with corn or soy then the absolute required ingredients are added in so in reality you're mostly paying for filler .

  7. Supplement with mealworms, black oil sunflower seeds etc.

  8. try using a commercial solution such as a flock block to supplement. These usually last for months but are very beneficial.

  9. Feed the weeds from your yard to your chickens. Such as plantain, dandelion, chickweed, clover, chicory etc.

  10. feed kitchen scraps ( make sure and research what table scraps are safe before you feed them) there's not a long list but they are important.

Ok I was reading this information and thought you may want the information as well. Believe me the literature is long and boring . So you can thank me later for saving you time and brain cells with this short synopsis. 🙏

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Risha Cole
Risha Cole
Aug 27, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

They’ll love you for the extra treats for sure❣️🥰❤️

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