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I’m ready for Fall

Yes it's me actually saying that. With this last 2 months of extreme heat and the constant battle fighting this I can actually say I'm ready for cooler temperatures. 🌡️ . Yes I said it .....I'm tired of hot weather. Words I never thought would come out of my mouth.

The work involved in taking care of livestock it really has been a hard, tough battle all day every day . The diccipation of heat from the livestock and the water battle is all consuming. No matter shortcuts , work arounds etc it's an absolute water battle unprecedented any other time of the year. The closest I can think of is during colder temperatures when you have to replace frozen water throughout the day but even when you replace the water within no time the water heats up and provides little to no relief for any of the animals so you're swapping it out again .

The relief from the heat and the diccipation of said heat is difficult with these extremely hot temperatures in combination with the extremely high humidity here in South Carolina. I think I once heard a person from further north saying coming to South Carolina was like standing in " the armpit of the south " in dealing with not only the heat but this humidity. So trying to diccipate heat with this humidity is nearly impossible without a great deal of work and it's still miserable heat conditions for the livestock.

It wouldn't be nearly as bad if the heat wasn't as prolonged and relentless as this heatwave has been. It's just misery prolonged that doesn't even go away during the night time hours. The night time heat index has been the lower 80s . I think once in a while it dips below 80 degrees . With the added in humidity it's still miserable for all these animals.

Im unsure who will be happier to see this heatwave gone me or them. I can't really remember the last time a heatwave has been this hot for this long here in South Carolina but this is definitely at the top of the list but I can't explain in words how extremely happy I'll be when it's gone .

Hopefully this will end soon and we will slide into fall. Which in truth fall here in South Carolina is about two weeks long and we plummet directly into winter . Then I can complain about that . Won't that be fun

❄️ ❄️❄️ yeah 👍👍

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