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Writer's pictureCarolina Farmer Farmer

Chicken Feed issues

It seems recently issues with chicken feed specifically premixed feeds of various brands that not only a skyrocketing in price but the minerals and nutritional components may not be up to par. So what exactly to do ?

Now I'll be the first to stand up for the premixed chicken feed manufacturers and producers because to appropriately mix the right nutritional mix for starter feeds or especially layer feeds is somewhat complex and does require some chicken nutritional knowledge for specific purposes that are a bit difficult to say the least on providing the exact nutritional components at the right levels for the right purpose in specific chickens. For an individual person to up and decide they're going to mix their own feed is a stretch to say the very least with many many complexities.

With that being said it's almost getting to the point of people being forced to obtain ingredients and just take a stab at it. At the very least find a locally produced feed that isn't necessarily mixed to exact specifications just on need because of the many issues currently being dealt with by chicken and egg farmers. The price is not only skyrocketing but it recently seems the layers across the board and in no specific region , egg production has noticeably declined. It seems with a very unscientific approach most fingers are currently pointing at some specific name brand feeds as the primary culprit. How to prove the current crisis is unclear but reliability perception of these manufacturers is absolutely in question at this time.

All most can do at this point is sit back and wait to see what short term solutions are best. Do you still buy the name brand chicken feed and take a chance or look for alternative feeds locally with not as much nutritional research on the mix itself ? I guess in the short term we will see. In the long term if you're not planning on alternatives you're behind the eight ball. Good luck with your feed .

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