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Writer's pictureCarolina Farmer Farmer

Crazy Train

After working all these years at all hours of the days and nights I'm a firm believer that at somewhere around three AM you've climbed on board the crazy train . At no fault of yours or not you are on board. Now whether you get off at the next stop , hide in baggage or ride it for the duration that's completely up to you. Now those of us that are forced to climb aboard at regular intervals because of jobs it's just part of life. There are those who have it in their minds to beat the paramedics to the crash site and ride it all the way to the end and love the journey while on board, all the way to the fire fueled crash site. Now there are those in the middle who like to keep their options open and dabble with staying on board and partially getting off which never works out because in the hard light of day there is no partial passenger. The partial passenger deals with their ride whether it be a long one or short one with varying techniques to help subjugate the ride. Subjugation techniques are vast in their eccentricities but for the most part begin causing destruction before the first wheel of said crazy train ever leaves the tracks.

Well with that prolix preface I have found a buffer that is safe , non-toxic although I do think it has addictive properties but seems to be great for overall mental health. You don't need a prescription for it and it has a built in therapy aspect. What is this wonderful break through therapy you ask. I call it the flossy mae therapy initiative. Here's the premise buy yourself a bunch of mouthy chickens or ducks or both that will demand your time , constantly fuss , complain and talk back to you and give you nothing but grief and over time before you know it that mouthy chicken has become your bonafide therapist. 😮 🐓🦆

Yes it's a controversial therapy but one with a proven track record that works. You come home after a long ride on the crazy train with the long term passengers and that mouthy chicken or duck begins to put things back in perspective once they start yelling at you for not doing things their way. 🤣👨‍🌾

So for those of you that have to board the crazy train on a regular basis I'd say find yourself a therapist named flossy mae , the chicken versus same said therapist with names such as jack , Jim or maryjane.🤣 Those will definitely keep you tied to the crazy train for an extended stay.

Where do you find such a therapist you may ask , well Tractor supply is open everyday. And when you get your first appointment just tell your new therapist I referred you. 😁👨‍🌾🐓🦆

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