I've recently seen people who constantly make it a point of adding up every dollar and cent to do cost comparisons across the board to show that you may be loosing 3 cents here or there when having either meat or layer ducks or chickens. You know there's always the other factors that sometimes are more important than what you can put down on a spreadsheet.
First of all whether it's ducks or chickens and layers or meat chickens, when you know everything about that livestock from the time it was young like how it was treated to what conditions it lived in or what it has eaten from day one can you truly say that about what you purchase in a grocery store ? What column on the spreadsheet do you put that under and what cost ?
What about the serenity it provides in day to day caring for these animals in the calming effect it provides ? Is this considered in your spreadsheet? I'm pretty sure this should have quite a column by itself.
Yes the work is in and of itself quite a task , if you look at it or see it that way. To me it's being outside with nature in a calm slower environment, not being rushed by today's fast paced society, Not to mention not staring at a computer screen while on your phone and making adjustments on a tablet.
I guess if your staring at a spreadsheet on a computer screen that's your thing , of course you're the one who needs the psychiatrist once a week , trying to cram all your " relaxing activities" in every short weekend and trying to get the appointment with the massage therapist after hours because your so stressed.
I don't particularly need those things so make sure and throw those items in a column somewhere as well.
Anyway I've got the greatest therapist EVER , her name is Flossy Mae and she's terrific. She does yell at me an aweful lot though.
Oh well good luck with everyone's spreadsheets and comparison pie charts. I'll be out with the chickens and ducks to ascertain their input. 🐓🦆😂
