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Writer's pictureCarolina Farmer Farmer

It's time for the winter coop

It's starting to cool off now so it's time to shift the chicken from the summer setup to the winter setup. And yes there is a distinct difference.

To start it's time to fully clean out scrape and cleacoopschicken coop. Emptying out the entire coop from front to back , top to bottom. Then spray some disinfectant throughout the coop. Dry them completely out after sitting all summer with the moisture from the humidity. The thing that has helped with pests has also helped with moisture control and that's the diatomaceous earth or DE. And it will be the first thing spread onto the coop floors.

Next all be a thick layer of hay and that's another whole issue. Finding the right hay for the right price is always a search because the hay we need is not feed hay but bedding hay and the plain straw hay doesn't perform nearly as well and doesn't do the job I need it to do. So as far as the hay the search is on. But the winter bedding has to be a much thicker layer .

Last but not least it's time for some improvements including new roosting setups for many reasons. One is to get the roosting bars out of the corners and away from the walls. That way it's an easier cleanup and to get all of the chickens roosting closer together for the winter chill . Two birds , one stone 🤣.

The feeders and waterers need to be easier serviceable and make more of an easier flow.

Last but not least is cleaning out the layer boxes. Those aren't as messy because the chickens do tend to keep their layer boxes relatively clean, for the most part 🐓.

So upcoming video will definitely be the revamp of the chicken coop. Hope you'll be watching. 🐓👨‍🌾😁

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