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Writer's pictureCarolina Farmer Farmer

Plums in our future

It's time to start planning for the new fruit trees for the fall planting. The considerations are many.

Mostly what type of fruit trees to plant this year that will best flourish and that we would enjoy and utilize fully.

The fruit trees that would do best in this growing zone are plums or peaches. I think we'd benefit either way. But unfortunately the peach trees have a very limited production period of about five to eight years whereas the plum trees would fruit for a much more considerable period of time. So I'm pretty sure the plum will win out for this year's fall planting. Oh also YUM 😋.

Next up will be prepping the ground in anticipation of the future planting which actually is better to start prepping the ground now to give the soil enough time to upturn the soil and better get the pH stable at a level suitable for transplant and successful roots being established.

Location , location , location. Here's the wrinkle, the plum trees need full sun without shade and so that's absolutely going to limit the locations available to plan to plant these wonderfully delicious producers. With the number of areas available to me due to the aggravating , annoying , pain of a bunch of trees better known as my evil for the pine tree , which are numerous and shading numerous areas of our available planting space really limits the possibilities. Foiled again by those pesky pines.

Now you would assume we'll you can just cut them down . However cutting down 200 foot pine trees picariously located it is going to require a tree service with lots of experience and with all the pine trees we have that ain't going to be cheap.

However plums are absolutely in the fall planting plan so it's going to be pick a spot and start the process.

With the thoughts of plums , jam and preserves in the future right off the tree that's not a hard sell. So all the pre prep work is going to be well worth it. Yum yum yum 😋👨‍🌾🍇🌳

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