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Writer's pictureCarolina Farmer Farmer

That list is growing

This morning I was seriously debating being lazy and only doing things that HAD to be done like getting the chickens, ducks and rabbits fed and watered. Then saying that's that. Just watching some Netflix or YouTube and just being lazy.

Then I started thinking of the things that I could do to keep the list knocked down to a minimum. Also I don't think I can relax in the evening if I haven't accomplished something during the day. Not to mention when it comes time for bed whenever I've been unable to get something on the list done I just don't sleep as well whatsoever. I'm really not tired , I stay wide awake and my mind races with what all NEEDS to be done and sleep is way down on the list.

Now above all I just know if I don't get outside and start chiseling down the list when I go back out for the evening chores Flossy Mae is going to give me a stern talking to about my poor choice of inactivity. And MAN that's going to be quite a chewing out.🤣🐓

I'm unsure if that's a generational thing, a personality thing or I'm just nuts.

I do know that the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day far outweighs anything I could be watching and my piece of mind at the end of the day is much better with my steady knocking out item by item . It doesn't have to be all in one day but like the tortoise just slow and steady.

So it's off to the races. 🏁🏇👨‍🌾🚜

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