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Writer's pictureCarolina Farmer Farmer

It's immune boosting time of year

This year has definitely made people start to really be concerned with sickness and doing everything in your power to stay healthy. Even crackpot ideas are floating around the internet not to mention mainstream media , Lord don't even get me started.

So it is that time of year to start getting your immune boosters prepared to start curing. Now no matter which version you prefer or which one granny used to make it's always some version of fire cider.

Fire cider or tonic has been around particularly in the south or mountain regions of the smokey's for a very long time. It's been passed down through generations from mother to daughter, father to son and been held with high regard like an ancient chinese secret.

Irregardless of the specific recipe they all have one very important ingredient in common, apple cider vinegar🍎🍏🥃.

The one part that seems to be overlooked or not mentioned or noticed is the fact that it has to have the apple cider vinegar with the mother. Now most people have no clue what " the mother" is or why it's necessary.

The "mother" refers to the combination of yeast and bacteria formed during fermentation. If you look at an apple cider vinegar bottle, you can see strands of the "mother" floating around. This yeast and bacteria provides the probiotics necessary to boost your immune system. The look of this " mother" floating around in the bottle seems to put most off at the thought of consuming this. However if you do not have this present the real benefit of the tonic will be completely lost. The other ingredients do have some benefit but do not provide nearly the punch that this bacteria and yeast does.

Now as far as how to make this immune boosting wonder there are countless resources on the internet . Most of the resources are all the same basic recipe with some variation to taste or preference. But you can look those up and come up with your own .

Some people prefer just to drink a small straight dose a day of the apple cider vinegar. If you do then Common dosage per day is 15-30 ml. Basically, 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar – mixed with water or added to a salad dressing. My advice is to start with a tablespoon and then increase to 2 tablespoons if you don't notice any side effects.

Now one thing to take into account is that if you're going to the grocery store to purchase your apple cider vinegar make sure it comes with the mother otherwise all is for naught.

Irregardless of your preference with all of this infection and sickness bought to the forefront do yourself, your family and friends a favor and give your immune system a boost this sickness season coming up because trust me not only is Covid getting ready to kick back in to high gear but those other nasty viruses are cranking up too. You do realize covid or coronavirus is a version of the common cold and this is the time of year that kicks into gear not to mention flu etc.

Good luck this virus season and jump on the immune boosting wagon.

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