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Writer's pictureCarolina Farmer Farmer

Why can't we just hibernate for winter

I seriously understand why bears hibernate in the winter. It is very difficult to find the motivation to get out of a warm bed early in the morning when the temperatures are cold and the weather is bleak. Just to find that thing to get you to roll out of those warm covers and set forth on the cold misery ahead. That is an obstacle. However I was thinking today without the work during the winter to prepare for the coming season of spring , things wouldn't work out as well or grow and prosper the way they do without that winter work and prep. After an hour or two this morning of working on prep for the planting season it hit me like the light of a new spring after a long bleak and cold winter. Then I figured out the motivation. The expectations of a prosperous growing season only comes to fruition with all of the hard work put forth during this bleak and cold time. So I found a way to drudge through the freezing cold and damp day with a new outlook and a way to roll myself out of that warm bed on such bleak days. A prosperous spring is just ahead and this is what you have to do to pay for it.

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